
Coachella Valley Events For Businesses

Coachella valley events are a great opportunity to introduce your business or organization to not only some wonderful people, but a community of investors and individuals who want to reinforce good trends, habits and values, not only in themselves, but in the businesses they work with. What does that mean for events like a marijuana business conference ? It means that as business opportunities begin to grow in these areas, that communities do not want to miss out on opportunities, especially if they meet a local demand. An opportunity to create new jobs, especially by utilizing local commercial property and residents is always something worth learning more about.  Marijuana Business Conference  As you learn more about the products and services in the cannabis industry, one thing we encourage you to also learn about is the businesses themselves. These businesses rely on strong relationships with not only their customers, but the local community which is why this is an opportunity for y

Are There Cannabis Associations in California?

The California cannabis industry is booming and more and more people are looking to get involved. Whether you’re a cannabis entrepreneur or just curious about the business side of cannabis, the California Cannabis Industry Association as well as others such as the Coachella Valley Cannabis Alliance Network are here to help. These California-based organizations provide resources and assistance to individuals interested in exploring the business opportunities associated with the cannabis industry. .  Each of these California cannabis associations were founded with the mission of providing entrepreneurs, small and large cannabis businesses and those indirectly involved with cannabis with guidance, support, and education as they seek to enter or continue operating within the legal cannabis market. These California cannabis associations also serve as advocates for members on issues of local, state and national importance related to cannabis legislation, regulation, compliance, and policy ad